Sunday, December 21, 2008

DoG FiGhTiNg!!:(DoG AbUsE):!!!!!

first let me say this WHO EVER THINKS THAT ANIMAL ABUSE IS OK!!! EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK ANIMAL ABUSE IS OK AND YOU STILL LET IT HAPPEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. . . Let me tell you all the pain you put these animals through, you should have just killed them because that is all your doing to them.YOUR KILLING THEM!!! I don't care who you are you can be Chris brown and if you think animal abuse is okay you can just forget about me being your fan because what these people are doing it's not just killing them. it's killing me too, and to see what it actually does it's just painful.
the only way we can stop it from happing is adopting animals from shelters from any where to make sure they don't get into the wrong hands; and if you ever hear or witness dog fight please report it to the nearest police station. please don't let this abuse continue please help stop it.

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