Thursday, December 10, 2009


i saw a girl on the train.
with a busted lip. 
while she quietly wipped  a dry tear on her face.
i tried to ignore her .
But i couldn't help but wonder what happened. .
she made so curious
i couldn't help but think some one had beat her
but i tried to think about a logic answer maybe the weather did this 
maybe it didn't maybe it was because of somthing aybe she was atacked by a bear 
most likely not but it was a thought :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

I found this love poem that i think everyone should hear

"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell."

-Joan Crawford

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


You hate to look at this picture because it screams the truth
Your hands begin to shake soon your body can't take it
You panic
For you and i know you can't handle it
trying to avoid the truth
Isn't helping your lies this is part of facing it
wait. . . facing what?
Facing the fact you can't deny
you scream because its the only way you can avoid it
the only way you don't have to tell the truth.
screamer tell me why
tell me why you scream
tell me why you escape the world
Even if you try it isn't possible to escape the world.
that's a screamer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009


In the streets of manhattan don't hesitate to stop but you been warned because if you do you'll only be shoved by the next person rushing to their destination. doesn't mean that if your in a car
your own time, either way your still rushed into pressure you try to slam on brakes but taxis so may pass but all of a sudden the taxi is back and you really not only are you late but your trapped in a maze a maze only few can control but many lose on the way.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

De Beers

Did you know that De Beers wanted you to think that diamonds are rare and valuable.

Also did you know that De Beers makes sure there are not too many diamonds in the world market by tying down some
diamonds with lawsuits.

they make women work and the women get raped
they make kids and teens work they are sent too war
did you know childen and teens who work more than 4 hours is considered child labor

shame on those people

Monday, February 2, 2009